Mbale City Secondary Schools join to Form Terrible Gang(422, B13, Street kings)


A security meeting was held today 4th October, 2022 at Northern Division Headquarters in mbale City, Eastern Uganda, this was to establish the cause of formation of terrible gangs by students. 

The meeting was spearheaded by Mwanjuzi Prossy,  Deputy Resident City Commissioner Northern division, Mbale City and also in attendance was  OC operations CPS,OC FFU , GISO Northern Division, Head teachers from the five Schools from  Mbale City, Namely :- Nkoma Secondary School, Mbale High School, Mbale Progressive, Mbale SS, University Link & local leaders. 

 According to Deputy RCC, Mwanjuzi Prossy, the  Security meeting was about the misconduct of the students from the above mentioned schools.

"We've discovered that there are formations of dangerous gang groups, i.e. 422, B13, street kings, Virgin breakers & these groups are being sponsored by a certain NGO in  Mbale city and whoever tries to deal with these groups receives threats from the so called NGO" Said Deputy RCC. 

Deputy RCC further says that After the meeting, they came up with the resolutions which she never disclosed for security reasons.

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