Delayed release of funds at PDM program forces beneficiaries to quit SACOs in the Bukedi sub region.

By Weswa Ronnie

Majority of beneficiaries at different districts in Bukiede sub region who registered under different groups or SACOs at parish levels to benefit from parish development model government programs have started abandoning their groups after the government took a long time to release funds.

While speaking today at Mbale resort Hotel during parish development model evaluation worker shop for Bukedi sub region,  Batan Balaba the chief administrative officer of Tororo district also doubling as chairperson of chief administrative  officers country wide says that most of the groups created at parish level are despairing slowly which will be hard for government to tress them to give them funds if released.

He adds that this has come after people starting to lose hope in the program since they are taking a long time without getting money at their SACCOs as promised by the president during the launch.

The CAO also narrated that, in 2021/2022 government released money depending on the number of SACCOs or groups at parish level to 5 district local governments out of 7 districts at Bukiede sub region but money was not enough to all SACCOs as planned early.

Balaba says that the ministry of finance guided them to turn that money to do other activities like training parish chiefs , beneficiaries, transport, procuring smart phones, gadgets  for parish chiefs among other duties  such that they wait more money to come before giving SACCOs which has never happened up to now.

However, Javelin Kalisa  the deputy parish development model national coordinator has disagreed with the CAO  of Tororo district  saying that the parish development program has already kicked off with training all beneficiaries and parish chiefs so that they don’t fail the program like previous.

She chief administrative officers of districts which have already received money under parish development model program of first phase to leave money at the account until they will be told the activity to use for.

Kalisa also says that the government is ready to arrest any technocrats who will be found withdrawing from the parish development program for any work without permission.  

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