Mbale business community in partnership with KCCA football team planted trees at Mbale flood areas.

By Weswa Ronnie

As Mbale city business community members continue with their one week campaign of soliciting  support to families which were affected by floods last month, today KCCA football team has today planted over 100 tree seedlings along bunks of River Nabuyonga.

According to Martin Juko the team leader of Mbale business community members says that they have planted these trees as one way of averting more floods which might be caused by River Nabuyonga after killing over 20 people last month.

He adds that in their campaign of soliciting support this week they are going to continue with other activities like car wash, football match between KCCA football team and Mbale garage among others until they get one billion shillings they have targeted.

Juko also says that one billion shillings will be given directly or buy relief items like food, mattresses among others to families which were affected by floods in Mbale city last month.

Badiru Kadu Mukasa the assistant coach of KCCA football team says that planting these trees is one of the ways of giving back to people and grieving together with Mbale people.

He urged people from Mbale and surrounding areas to come in big numbers at Mbale city stadium tomorrow   to watch 

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