Buganda Land Board responds to Sam Mayanja, the State Minister for Lands over Masaza land.

       Video: BLB Responding to Minister mayanja 

war has erupted  between  Buganda Land Board (BLB) officials and Hon. Sam Mayanja, the Minister of state for lands over Masaza Land. 

This is after Buganda Land Board (BLB) Radically responded to Lands state Minister, Hon. Mayanja Sam on the ownership and control of Masaza Land. 

While reacting to Minister Mayanja’s speech which he made during a public engagement at the Ministry Zonal Office in Bukalasa, Luweero on Wednesday, Dennis Bugaya, Buganda Kingdom Land Board Lawyer, trashed the Minister’s utterances saying that the Minister was out of order when he told journalists that the Masaza land was given back to the Kabaka in error.

He further said that the Minister was also wrong to state that the Masaza land should not have been given to the Kabaka as a person whose land is currently being managed by Buganda Land Board. 

“Stating that Buganda Land Board is concerned about Kabaka’s land as personal land is not true,” he said. 

He said the giving back Masaza Land to Buganda Kingdom was done legally after a long process of negotiations between the Central Government and Buganda Kingdom.  

He said the negotiations took over twenty years to reach a final solution on the mater.

He said the final agreement was signed between President Museveni himself representing the Central Government and the Kabaka, Ronald Muwenda Mutebi representing Buganda Kingdom. 

He also said the land in question reverted to Buganda Kingdom on 1st August, 2013 after the Kabaka and the President signed a memorandum of understanding.

According to the minister, transfer of this land was according to Section 2 of the Traditional Leaders Restitution of Assets and Properties Act Chapter 247 of the Laws of Uganda.

”Everything that was done in the transfer of this Masaza land to Buganda was done legally and according to the laws of Uganda. Therefore Minister Mayanja was out of order by telling whoever cared to listen that giving back Masaza land was illegal,” Bugaya said.

He said that it should not be Minister Mayanja, who is trying to create a scene in this circumstance. It should be remembered that while addressing a community public engagement forum on Wednesday at the Ministry Zonal Office (MZO) in Bukalasa Luweero, as part of his efforts to create awareness among members of the public so as to enable them to fight land grabbing, Mayanja said that Masaza and County land is public land which General Museveni gave back to Mengo in error to achieve political expedience without legal basis.

He says since it is public land, it cannot be compensated for. He says these properties of the Masaza and Gombolola headquarters were built in the whole country including areas like Ankole, Toro, Bunyoro and other areas  by the colonialists  using public funds implying that Mengo has no moral authority to evict or demand rental arrears from local Government units (districts and sub-county headquarters) currently occupying such areas.

“If it was the case, other areas where colonialists built such facilities like in Ankole, Toro or Kigezi would also be demanding such land but this has not arisen in those areas, so why Buganda?” the Minister asked. The Minister during the same meeting rallied Ugandans to support President Museveni’s plan to solve the land problem in Uganda once and for all.

He said the public engagement forum was a testimony that the Lands Ministry was determined to transform the docket into a center of excellence. 

He asked the locals to join President Museveni to bring to an end the 120-year old land question in the country to an end.

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