"Don't panic, No Ebola cases in Kampala" :M7

President Museveni's speech while addressing the nation on 12th October 2022  

I have come back to talk to you about the Ebola outbreak. Today, 12th October 2022, marks the 23rd day since we declared the Ebola outbreak in the country. 

There have been 54 confirmed cases, 20 recoveries and 19 deaths.


Mubende, Kasanda, Kagadi, Bunyangabu and Kyegwegwa are in category one (high-risk areas). Kampala and Wakiso are in category two, and the rest of the country is in category three (low risk).

My people in the rural areas who use herbal medicine, please be careful. I also used herbal medicine when I was young, my mother used to give it to me. It works for known illnesses like malaria, and stomach upsets but not diseases like Ebola. 

Wait for what the government has to say. I declared this outbreak (Ebola) because of how serious it is. Have you ever heard me come out to talk about malaria? No, because that's a unknown illness.

 I think we should put it in the law that when the government announces an epidemic, the traditional helpers should stop receiving patients in their clinics.

Stop seeking treatment for Ebola from witch doctors. Those who are in hiding should come out immediately and report to health workers for proper follow-up 

There is no witchcraft here, Ebola is a disease. The communities in the affected areas should know that Ebola is deadly and spreads through contact with an infected person.

As a country, we are in position of controlling Ebola so no need for panic. 

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