Hon. Dr Hilderman Distributes 5000 chicks in campaign to fight poverty in his constituency.

Mp Mawokota North, Hillary kiyaga Alias commonly known as Dr Hilderman has today 27th October 2022, distrubuted 5000 chicks to farmers in his constituency.

Hon. Hillary says that he is  preparing and sketching a permanent  solution to empower farmers and homesteads in Mpigi Town council and Kamengo. 

According to Hon. Hillary, poverty eradication must begin with them as leaders, "Lets perfect what we know and implement it than always just speaking about it" :Hon. Hillary noted.

He further says that the project is big and will keep spreading to other parts of the constituency ie   Kiringente and Muduuma.

Hon. Hillary kiyaga Alias was elected in parliament in 2021 after winning a tight race between him and former Minister of trade, Hon. Amelia kyambadde.

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