Kampala Woman MP Hon.Shamim Malende speaks out on the Busega Evictions, terms it as Illegal.

According to Hon. Shamim Malende, after interacting  with Busega Market traders and vendors who complained about the  ongoing demolition of their market. 

She decided to interfaced with local leaders and Kampala City Council Authority  team  for a  discussion. 

"As a leader, I invite fellow leaders and all persons of good will so that we engage all platforms legally to sketch  possible and better solutions for the victims" Said Hon. Shamim Malende. 

 She further says that she noticed that Eviction was not in order because the issue of that land is in Court and judgment day was decided. 

According to Hon Shamim Malende :- 

1. There is a court case against KCCA by the vendors and judgment is on 21/10/2022.

2. Some elements on the market leadership have been used to frustrate the vendors with legitimate claims.

3. Though the alternative market was launched in October 2021, vendors are not allowed access to it so they have no where to work from and no stalls/shops have been allocated.

4. Many items have been destroyed and no compensation awarded. 

5. Many are fighting to pay back their loans and pledged their properties with banks and money lenders and now don't know where to go.

6. There is a title in the names of KCCA having been registered in the year 2010 long after the vendors had settled on this land.

7. Some vendors were occupants on the land before it became a market.

8. The vendors continue to pay property rates and  "empooza" and demand notices are issued by KCCA. 

More than 150 people have been affected by the KCCA the Busega Eviction 

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