Showbiz: Musician Gravity shades tears as he apologizes to Bobi wine, Bebe cool & Chameleon.


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Musician Gravity Omutujju on thursday afternoon 13the October 2022, said  that the comments he made about fellow musicians, including Jose Chameleone, Bebe Cool and Bobi Wine were misinterpreted by people and journalists who said he was a braggart.

Omutujju on October 1st 2022  held a massively-attended concert at Lugogo Cricket Oval. During post-concert interviews, excitement got to him and he said a lot of things that came off as disrespectful and it became hard to tell when he was joking and when he was serious.

For instance, at one point he said the aforementioned trio had become irrelevant in the industry, telling them to go and focus on farming and other endeavours because they had become too lazy for the contemporary music industry.

Balaam Barugahara, the events promoter who organised his show, told him to start respecting elders because he was taking things overboard.

Just two days ago he went on a crude exchange of words with singer Zex Bilangilangi who called him as a dog for disrespecting elders in the industry. 

"It's my list, everyone is free to form theirs... I was free to give myself any number," Gravity, who had initially called himself number one, and later gave himself number four, putting himself behind Eddy Kenzo,Wine and Chameleone in that order, said.

"I'll wake up one day, and stop singing... I swear upon the living God, I'll wake up one day and I'm no longer singing, when people are no longer interested in me… I went to Mbarara and the show failed,... and everyone talked about it," he said, adding that there are people trying to fight him.

"There are people that would like to see me gone... they don't know how I've struggled to reach this point. The effort I've put in... So eone is fighting you without even having issues with you."

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