National Unity platform responds to Uganda police & UHRC in Majjambere Saga

National Unity Platform:- 


With great contempt, we note the statements issued by Uganda Police Force and Uganda Human Rights Commission concerning the events that occurred at the burial of comrade Jakana Nadduli in Nakaseke on Monday. 

The Police statement issued by Fred Enanga was fashioned in clearly partisan terms. It is full of lies and distorted facts. While heaping the blame on NUP supporters, Enanga does not mention that a renowned NRM thug called Majjambere was the cause of the chaos- which appears to have been pre-meditated. The armed thug attempted to stop NUP leaders from speaking to the mourners. He loudly threatened to shoot them and provoked them with all manner of insults. The same man previously threatened to dismember several NUP leaders and supporters, including our President, Robert Kyagulanyi and his wife. He has in the past attacked and assaulted many of our supporters and nothing is ever done to him. At the burial, while seated in a police vehicle and in the presence of police officers, Majjambere confirmed that he has been in charge of torture cells at Nalufenya and promised to kill at least 4 NUP supporters in the name of Museveni and his son.  Instead of holding him to account for these criminal actions, Enanga simply wished him a quick recovery. Just like Sipapa and other regime-sponsored thugs who have attacked us in the past, he enjoys full protection from the state!

On their part, the Uganda Human Rights Commission issued a disgusting, but unsurprising statement. The outlandish statement, signed by one Mariam Wangadya does not condemn Majjambere who threatened to shoot and promised to kill our people. Wangadya would perhaps be happy if Majjambere succeeded in his confessed plot! The present Commission will probably go down as the most compromised and inefficient in our country’s history. This is the same Commission which was silent when Jakana Nadduli was abducted, tortured, held incommunicado and denied access to medical treatment for over a week! The same Commission has been loudly mute about extrajudicial killings, rape of women in detention, gruesome torture and other atrocities committed by the regime on our supporters. We have filed before them several complaints about gross human rights violations but they always ignore them. And now, they pretend to care about human rights!

While we do not condone acts of violence, we strongly condemn the partisanship exhibited by these state institutions. Under ordinary circumstances, they would be investigating the suspicious death of comrade Jakana Nadduli, but they won’t. Instead, they are desperate to protect a criminal and reprimand his victims. This is what Gen. Museveni has done to our country. He has packed all institutions with sycophants ready to do his bidding at any time. Let us solider on until we restore sanity to our nation and build state institutions which will serve the people of Uganda. 

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