Parliamentary journalist reject Mk project sponsored journalist, Vote for Sam I banda mugabi as Next president UPPA .


                         Journalist :Francis

NBS TV's Sam Ibanda Mugabi had won Uganda parliamentary press Association (UPPA) presidency 

Mugabi beat Francis Lubega of Radio Sapientia in a hotly contested race after polling 76 voted against  the latter's 64 Votes.

He will now replace Moses Mulondo (New Vision) who has led the association for two consecutive terms.

The election presided over by the UPPA Electoral commission Chairperson Isaac Ssenabulya was held at parliament confrence hall on Friday, A total of 141  voted in a Today's election.

Meanwhile, Candidates for other positions sailed through unopposed, These include :- Gloria Gwitabingi (UBC TV) for Vice president, Joseph Seruwoza (Impact FM) for chief Whip, Apollo Tusiime (Salt TV) for Secretary General, Fred Kajjubi (Urban TV) for TV Representative, Paul Ssebaduka (CBS) for Radio representative AMD Nickson Bbale (Channel 44) for welfare among others.

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