The Congolese government has ruled out peace talks with the rebel M23 movement, Chimp Corps report.

The Congolese government has ruled out peace talks with the rebel M23 movement, Chimp Corps report.

“It is categorical for us; it is out of the question to discuss with the M23,” said DRC spokesperson, Patrick Muyaya on Monday night.

The warning comes at a time regional countries are completing deployment of combat forces in North and South Kivu, Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo to counter M23 and other armed movements in the area. 

Earlier this year, M23 rebels seized Bunagana border town and have since refused to relinquish this territory until their concerns are addressed.

The rebels say they are protecting minority Tutsi communities against attacks by FDLR, a Hutu militia group whose ideology and previous commanders are responsible for the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. 

The M23 Movement also asked President Felix Tshisekedi to allow them to operate as a special force to address insecurity in the war-torn region. 

However, disagreements between the rebels and Kinshasa earlier this year led to skirmishes in which dozens were killed.

The M23 thwarted attempts by the DRC army to dislodge the militants from their bases.

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