Meet a 35 years Bony Omora, one of the Engineers behind Uganda PearlAfricaSat-1 Satellite.

Eng. Bony Omara is 35 years of age and from Otuke district that was curved out of Lira City.

He went to Olilim primary school and Adwari Secondary School, which are both in Otuke district. 

For the advanced level, he went to Teso collage Aloet in Soroti. Eng. Omara one of the three cohorts who developed the first satellite of Uganda named pearlAfricaSat-1 which was launched yesterday 7th November 2022

Eng. Omara has a Bachelor Degree in computer Engineering from Busitema university and a post Graduate Diploma in information system management from Uganda management institute.

He is  currently specializing in space system Engineering at Kyushu institute of Technology (kyutech) Japan. 

From the various satellite project that he participated in at kyushu institute of technology, he has gained extensive hands on experience in satellite development, right.

From problem identification, satellite design testing and disposal.

With the vast skills and experiences, he will undoubtedly develop subsequent satellite in-house in Uganda while boosting the country's international Internal capacity to develop the industrial value chain for space science and technology given the political will at hand 

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