The  Bukedi Region NRM Youth leaders comprising of Tororo, Busia, Pallisa, Butaleja, Budaka, Kibuku and Butebo endorsed H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni while on the apex of Tororo Rock on 13th/11/2022.

The youth leaders led by their  youth representative  Hon Benard Odoi endorsed President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni as a sole candidate for 2026 -2031 under the theme “for the outstanding service and Trust in the people of Uganda, EAC and Africa at Large"

While moving the motion Onen said he organized the event “following pressure from the leaders across the region asking why he was not leading young people to endorse Mr Museveni.”

“However, take note that Uganda will be built on the dreams of the young people and I'm here to challenge you to dream big," Onen said.

He told this publication that the Bukedi NRM youth chapter still sees Mr Museveni as a strong and capable leader to solve the country's pressing challenges.

Budaka District youth council finance secretary Babra Namisi called on government to reform existing poverty alleviation programs to form the Youth Livelihood Program.

They also wanted to emulate the Burembo trek which was held before the 2021 elections.

During the endorsement, The deputy RDC tororo Amula Albert, applauded the youth in the region for entrusting the President with the mandate come 2026 and urged them to actively participate in the social economic transformation of their live.

He also told the youths that   monitoring Government programs and services delivery  in their areas is part of his duties as Deputy RDC.

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