Bukwo District PDM FPP official Collapse to death while presenting the PDM status report.

Bukwo district Parish Development Model (PDM) focal point person Elijah Masika Ndinyo who doubles as the acting district production officer has died.

He collapsed at the District Hall Wednesday afternoon while presenting the PDM status report during the budget conference. One of the councillors who attended the budget conference said that the deceased collapsed as he was looking for a document to present before the council. 

“I cannot tell exactly, which document, but I heard him saying, there is an important paper for my presentation I am looking for, before collapsing,” said the councillor.

He explains that the deceased was rushed to Bukwo hospital since it was near the district headquarters but the doctors said the officer had already died. Merisa Chepytegei, the speaker Bukwo district, said Ndinyo succumbed to cardiac arrest, according to doctors.

“The doctor told us our officer is no more,”  Cheptegei said before hanging up the phone.

The deceased body was still at Bukwo hospital mortuary pending postmortem, according to Cheptegei. The PDM project is riddled with corruption and several officials have been arrested over missing funds by the State House Anti-corruption unit.

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