Thousands of Congole Civilians continue to Cross to Uganda as DRC Government troops launched air strikes on M23 rebels.

Congolese civilians are once again fleeing in droves to the Ugandan side of Bunagana in Kisoro district after the DRC government troops launched an air strike against the M23 rebels in Rutshuru territory, North Kivu province.

On Monday  the government troops FARDC used fighter jets to bombard M23 rebel positions in Tchanzu and Musungati hills located a few kilometers from the Uganda-DR Congo border of Bunagana

The strikes have now forced the Congolese civilians who had just settled back in their homes to flee again to Uganda in Kisoro district.

Robert Tukamuhebwa, the Kisoro Deputy RDC says on Wednesday afternoon more than 3,000 refugees crossed to Uganda through the Bunagana border to Bunagana town council.

The fresh influx of refugees comes at a time when Nyakabande holding center has just been decommissioned.

The Deputy RDC however, says talks with higher authorities will happen to forge a way forward on how to handle the refugees.

By Wednesday, scores of Congolese could be seen have taking shelter at local people’s verandas and compounds.

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