At 30 years Eng. Edgar Mujuni is the brain behind the Uganda's PearlAfricaSat1 Satellite.

Eng. Edgar Mujuni is among the three Engineers who constructed and assembled the First Uganda PearlAfricaSat1 Satellite which was launched yesterday. 

Eng. Edgar Mujuni is a 30 - year old who hails from Mitooma district, originally greater Bushenyi. He is currently taking  a masters degree  in space system Engineering from kyushu institute of Japan. 

He holds a first class degree in Telecommunications Engineering from kyambogo university where he developed the best individual projects in his final year, of an Automatic stamping robot with digital counters. Edgar did CISCO certificate Network Associate  course from Makerere University

He studied from Nyakihita primary school  in mitooma, and did his entire secondary school education from mbarara  high school for 6 years where he was the best Science student.

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