Thugs attack another police post in Kyanja last night.

Another group of thugs attacked Kensington Police Post in Kyanja last night. Eye witness say the attacks happened on 13th November 2022, between 10am - 11am.

Police Spokesperson ASP Luke Owoyesigyire says that besides firing gunshots, nobody was injured in the fracas nor any gun taken.

Just three weeks ago, assailants  raided a police station in Busika, 33km outside Kampala and shot two Policemen dead and made away with 2 AK47 Guns.

The incident occured at Busiika Police Station in Busiika town council in Luwero district at around 7.30 pm. The deceased were identified as Moses Wagaluka, the officer in charge of the Criminal Investigation Department, and Alex Ongoro.

Another Policemen Steven Ondama, also attached to Busiika Police Station, sustained injuries and was rushed to Bombo military hospital together with a woman, who was wounded.

Richard Nyombi, the LC III Chairperson of Busiika town council, explained that the assailants ordered residents in nearby areas to lock themselves in their houses before they descended on the Policemen’s residences where the two were found and shot dead.

Nyombi added that another Policeman and a resident were also injured in the shooting before the attackers attempted to set the Police Station on fire.

A police statement confirmed he incidents and said the assailants also burnt several casefiles before attempting to burn the station. The fire was however, successfully put off by the community at Busiika Town Council. 

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