Uphold Ethics of Practice — Speaker Among Urges Journalists

Speaker Anita Among has this morning re-echoed the need for journalists to adhere to the stipulated ethical standards as they carry on their duty of informing the populace. 

She said that it’s a fundamental responsibility of the press to make sure the public gets first hand, accurate and balanced information without compromise, prejudice or hatred in their reportage.

She made the remarks during the swearing-in and handover ceremony of the new leadership of Uganda Parliamentary Press Association, a body that unites all journalists reporting at Parliament of Uganda.

“As your patron, I urge you all to uphold the ethical standards of the profession. You ought to cover news as impartially and objective as possible.’’ She said adding that...

‘’Parliament opened up the House to you for scrutiny, you are not here as politicians but Journalists, don’t allow to be used as mercenaries.’’  

She also emphasized the need for journalists to desist from handouts especially from politicians which she says contributes to bias and subjective reporting  that has bred uncalled for conflicts in the August House.

Ms Among congratulated the outgoing executive and welcomed the leadership, pledging a better working environment.

“Like I’ve always emphasized, the 11th Parliament is People Centered. Let us be the voice of the voiceless by reporting accurately so that we better the lives of the people.’’

She supported the Association SACCO with 50 million Uganda shillings, as a means to strengthen their financial base and help deal with the underlying issue of Journalists’ welfare. 

The UPPA elected their executive last week with Sam Mugabi as President and Gloria Gwitabingi as Vice President.                      

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