JUST IN: City Socialite Allan Kanyike passes on 64 years

 Jolly. Allan Gerald Kanyike, a popular socialite in Kampala Cty has passed on today 22nd December 2022 in Nsambya Hospital.

He is commonly known by city party animals, Wherever there is good music and good company, there he will be. Kanyike parties like a man 20 years younger and worked as hard too.

Read more About Kanyike..

There are two sides to Allan Gerald Kanyike. There is the socialite and then there is the  businessman. Catching him during daylight hours reveals a straight faced leader of a straight laced team. Two young women at Weltmax Engineering Services call him by his title, director. He might be the director but he treats his team in a paternal style. 


Actively retired

His accent is precisely English and so is his formal dress code. Separated by a wall but facing the main entrance to one of his properties in Ntinda, is IH Grand Logistics Limited, a customs clearing firm in which he is a director too. 

As a director at two companies Kanyike is a busy man. He has built his business much from experience he gained over the years as a real estate manager of some 40 properties for Queen Bridge Management in London for the 30 years he lived in United Kingdom (UK). 

He also worked at the Covent Garden Exhibition Centre. His former employer, Arnold Perl, describes Kanyike as honest, sober and reliable. 

First job

Kanyike had worked with the centre from May 1988 to April 1996. Prior to leaving Uganda, he worked with Statewide Insurance Company with the late Patrick Kiwanuka, John Ssebaana Kizito and Joseph Kiwanuka.

In 1986, he served as a Local Council one chairman for Village Nine in Ntinda, where he lived with his mother Robinah Abwooli, now deceased. He eulogises her as one of the most important people in his life for properly bringing him up and also becoming a friend from whom he always sought advice and counsel.


Kanyike does not keep the conventional 8am to 5pm work schedule because he is now a retired man. “I am in retirement because I am contented with what I have achieved. I am a director of two companies too, and happy to be working with people I get along with very well,” the 57-year-old says. He has two families in East London and has managed to educate all his children from his two wives; Justine Asiimwe and Florence Kanyike.

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