Mbale Court kicks out of parliament Agule County Mp over lack of academic papers.

Mbale high Court has kicked out Agule county Member of of parliament on grounds of lack of Senior Six Certificate.

Mp Ogwari Polycap  was on Thursday 15th December kicked out of Parliament by Mbale high court after court confirming that he had no minimum academic qualifications required. 

Court ruling was presided over by Justice Kazibwe Kawime who also ordered for a fresh election in Agule County, palisa District  in Eastern Uganda.

In January 14th, 2021 elections, the Electoral Commission declared Ogwari, an independent-leaning candidate, as the winner with 7,190 votes, followed by David Ochwa, who stood on the National Resistance Movement ticket and obtained 6,908 votes in a race that attracted six contenders.

But being dissatisfied with the results, Ochwa petitioned the Mbale High Court, seeking to nullify the victory of Ogwari on grounds that his election was not done in accordance with the electoral laws because of bribery lack of Minimum academics documents and intimidation.

Ochwa David who won the petition against Polycap  jubilated after winning the case saying that palisa has educated people who are capable of  representing them in parliament, than having school drop out like Ochwa David.

"Polycap is just a masquerader who never went to school, he was lucky that Electrical commissioner never detected his fake presented documents probably may be they were busy" - said Ochwo.

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