Three Investigative Journalists Arrested for investigating on Corruption in Entebbe Airport.

Three journalists have been arrested in Entebbe by alleged airport security and now detained at Abaita ababiri police station 

The three journalists include George william kakooza attached to CBS radio , sulah kagugube and Norah Odoi attached to UBC tv 

The three were arrested while on their way from kigungu on duty by alleged aviation security personels who were travelling in an authority buss registration number  UBC 431 C

The journalists who have sustained injuries have now been detained at Abaita police station and a computer misuse charge has been slapped on them according to one of the officers 

One of the journalists says they were being beaten in the bus upon transporting them as officers probed why they were interested in reporting on airport corruption saga , Entebbe airport has been in the spot for  corruption , extortion and misconduct by staff to travellers in the recent 

Civil aviation spokesperson vianney lugya says they are investigating what happened to harmonize the either parties.

Story by: Walunyoro Kamana

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