Panic as Tondeka bus management use solid hard words to defend its self on the NSSF fund Saga.

Recently, our Publication published a story from whistle blowers who had petitioned Inspector General of Government (IGG) concerning  Board chairman, Mr Kimbowa peter on allegations of  diverting savers funds to Tondeka Bus which is a private owned Company.

As a publication we took our time to verify the document from the 15 NSSF members / whistle blowers, who had submitted in the later to IGG's office.

Later By the whistle blower 

Due to much  pressure, the Tondeka bus company  through its head of marketing and corporate department attempts to defend by sending a radical press release, which pins Our publication FreemanNewsUG as number one respondent to the IGG petition.

Tondeka buss co. Press Release 

In the first place, freeman News UG was doing its work, we don't own the document which was submitted by the whistle blowers / nssf members to the office of the Inspect General of Government, IGG. 

We are the Fourth Estate who will always dig deeper to establish facts and give it to the public.

In Public Relationship (PR), if you want  to deliver good communication avoid using Solid or hard  words, when we go into lectures then such words are  welcomed, otherwise tondeka Bus Company is hunting the wrong individuals.

We request Tondeka Bus company to re-draft a better document being addressed to the 15 whistle blowers /nssf members who petitioned the IGG.

As FreemanNewsUG, we acted like a conduit or blocker between us and the General public.

We are still digging deeper in the Tondeka Bus co. and NSSF fund misuse, we have established another name which reflects several times in the saga. 

This story will soon be published on all our platforms. 

How it started.

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