Hon. Watenga's Twin Traditional Marriage Excites Residents in Bududa

Excitement and shock engulfed hundred of Bududa Residents this afternoon during the twin traditional marriage of Former Member of Parliament for Lutseshe County, Godfrey Watenga Nabutanyi.

The two wives have been identified as Nanzala Beatrice and Nekesa Christine.

This took place at his residence in Bubisikwa lower cell, Ibaale Ward  Kuushu Town council in Bududa district in Eastern Uganda.

Here, all parents from either side went back smiling after collecting dowry from their inlaw as opposed to the current style of introduction where a woman introduces her man at her father's home.

According to residents who spoke to us , this is a unique marriage they had never witnessed anywhere in the world.

This News has left the public, most especially the natives of Bududa district  in shock and asking how brave Mp. Watenga is to hold such a function.

Watenga served in 9th and 10th parliament as Member of parliament representing  Lutseshe County In Bududa district.

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