CLASSLESS SOCIETY is an ATTITUDE of MIND. It's aspirational and achievable not necessarily in puritan sense but in as far as narrowing the gap thereto. Our society urgently needs the gap narrowed between the "haves" and "have nots" and household income empowerment (such as the Parish model amongst others) are in part urgent and appropriate intervention at economic level. 

However, MORAL EMANCIPATION of the MORAL FIBRE of our society for both implementers and recipients of such household empowerment programmes are a basic necessity. This therefore urgently calls for urgent steps to MINDSET TRANSFORMATION by way of incremental  Sensitization because a mass sensitization may die a still birth and jeopardized by the bourgeoisie and/or even more by the Petty-bourgeois reactionary forces.

Once the LESS FORTUNATE or less privileged are seen as of inferior class that mindset is dangerous as it apparently manifests in these contemporary times. 

The less privileged who are the majority become commoditized (a living example is well enshrined in Voter bribery of "Lukumi-lukumi" in exchange for MP/leaders incumbency for 5 years) and that is very dangerous as its undermining faith in our society's only Consititutional democratic dispensation safety valve. 

Article 1 of our constitution stipulates that power belongs to the people and shall be exercised in accordance with the wish of the people. 

Therefore, it's seems to me to be far-fetched to even remotely suggest that calling for a CLASSLESS SOCIETY is unthinkable and unachievable as it can only happen at the whim of the MACRO/BOURGEOISIE benevolence. This school of thought is misguided and gullible as to the "super power" of the thieves who are very few but nonetheless very ruthless and a serious scourge.

First the MACRO/BOURGEOISIE class are in the minority and extremely reactionary all in bid to mantain status quo and/or create another sister class even if they fall under the ambit of PETIT (PETTY) BOURGEOIS  by reason of their ill-gotten loot of wealth. So all these combined have no interest in a fair and just society which in effect is a call for CLASSLESS SOCIETY. The latter goal of a CLASSLESS SOCIETY would as it often does involve MACRO policies of REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH and this is as "NO-GO" area and a "RAW NERVE" Capitalism class to touch.

A good example of such reactionary class lies in United Kingdom.The British Labour Party previously had as a central doctrine of SOCIAL JUSTICE and well enlmbedded and entrenched in Chapter 4 of their Labour party Consititution and was the Labour party commitment to REDISTRIBUTION of wealth and resources in Britain. This was in effect not only a call but imposition of a CLASSLESS SOCIETY. As a matter of fact, REDISTRIBUTION MEANT NATIONALISATION/STATE OWNERSHIP (In Tanzania Mwalimu Nyerere called "Mali ya Umaah"). This was unacceptable to monopoly capital-capitalism. This was fought by Capitalism  which at all material times exercises STATE CAPTURE through the ideology and practice of Capitalism. The Socialist redistribution clause in the consitution was ditched in favour of free market economics euphemistically called Privatisation.

Through Tony Blair the Labour party had to reinvent it's self as NEW LABOUR which was in reality a Euphemism for capitalism. 

In the case of our country Uganda, a CLASSLESS SOCIETY can only come about by the active participation of what you would call the MICRO/PROLETARIAT and  the MASSES/PEASANTRY by changing their MINDSET. 

This is inevitable because to deny the wide gap between the "haves" and the " have nots"  is to court disaster. The question is how then do you manage a peaceful coexistence?

It is respectfully submitted that it is manageable through MINDSET TRANSFORMATION and this should and ought to be the mission of every pro people leader.

Politicians too are inherently born with conscience thats why some of them would not even remotely contemplate (even if it means them losing leadership including the much coveted parliamentary vote) some immoral ant-people shenanigans that include, but are not limited to Voter bribery, i.e. this phenomenon of " lukumi-lukumi" and " Mutwalo-mutwalo". This voter bribery and corruption has rendered the Proletariat and the Peasantry as slaves in perpetual chains of this class injustice and exploitation.

This category of principled and selfless politicians are in the minority but are at the forefront of Sensitization for mindset change and transformation. It is submitted that with time and persistence they will succeed because it's the right thing to do.

Mwalimu Nyerere to a degree managed instilling in the Tanzanian society the ideology of UJAAMA lĂ²sely translated also meant a CLASSLESS Or EVEN SOCIETY built on the cohesion of brotherhood. 

The fruits are seen through the length and breadth of the Tanzanian society and though not evidently perfect but at least a begenning because SOCIALISM IS NECESSARILY AN ATTITUDE OF MIND. 

This ATTITUDE of MIND was picked up and/or continued by HE Pombe Magufuli (RIP). The ferocity with which the MACRO/BOURGEOISIE reactionary class fought back is evident in Magufuris death as its evident in that of Patrice Lumumba of Congo and many other pro people (MICRO/PROLETARIAT) Pan Africanists.

A lot of ink can be poured on this societal equality struggle of class or social-economic emancipation otherwise called empowerment because the two go in tandem. 

As a matter of fact this is a universal struggle of mankind but our concern relates to our people here in Uganda and in our towns and villages as we care about them immensely. We should NEVER EVER abdicate this duty to our people.


For example,  Britain is a Class society where however wealthy or affluent you may be, you can never belong to the Royal class.

Then come to the Aristocracy and Nobility  these are the WEALTH monopolist etc. So in short this Class system especially that of capitalist is a social-economic arrangement of SOCIAL-ECONOMIC APARTHEID. 

However, they (government) still acknowledge that there is a yawning gap between the "haves" and the "have-nots". 

Thats why conscious effort through Labour government under then Prime minister Tony Blair in 1997 made consciousl effort by  creating a Special social-economic INCLUSION Unit in his (Prime minister's office) in terms of equitable access to services and opportunities especially for the ethnic minorities that is the Black & Ethenic minority (BME) social INCLUSION programme. That we now have an Asian Prime minister in 10 Downing street London in remarkable testimony of MINDSET TRANSFORMATION in the British society so far. It therefore fillows that mindset transformation in Uganda especially in relation corruption in all its manifestations is possible (KYISOBOKA).

Therefore, as leaders this elusive question of MINDSET TRANSFORMATION has to be grappled with. Certainly it may seem a far cry in the wilderness because of the prevailing corruption in the vicinity but it cannot be ducked indefinitely. Sensitization of our people to reject the convulted politics of bribery is a building block in changing our people's MINDSET. 


It's undeniable fact that corruption in Uganda today is arguably at unprecedented levels. However these unprecedented level is here today because there was no viable wealth basket to steal from in the past. Today the good political environment has enabled blossoming of business and with it through our taxes the big basket of our consolidated fund and with that the attraction of these white-collar thieves.

The Idi Amin Congo Gold crisis or looting which Hon Daudi Ochieng successfully put on the Order paper in parliament in Obote 1 government is a testimony of the age-long patriotic efforts of sanitisation of our political economy. 

But this struggle then was at MACRO/BOURGEOISIE level and we are now saying that we need to get down to the MICRO/PROLETARIAT and the Peasantry through MINDSET TRANSFORMATION.


This white collar crime phenomena has eluded even the British society. The British in response to the growing number of corruption matters created what they called the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) this is the equivalent of the Inspector General of Government (IGG) in suranceUganda.

However, the high profile trial of the Maxwell brothers alleged to have defrauded Pension funds (like the Temangalo saga with the NSSF) with Kevin Maxwell in the lead saw over £10 million British sterling pounds tax payers money from the consolidated fund go down the drain as the investigation and trials lasting years collapsed due to insufficient evidential threshold even when the ordinary eye could see the theft of Pension funds. This outcome eroded public confidence in the British government commitment to fighting white-collar crime.

Suffice to repeat again that corruption is a criminal offence but it's a white collar crime. White collar offences and the perpetrators thereto tend to monouver and evade the standard prosecution evidence threshold. This is because the thieves cunningly sanitize their illegal operations by engaging the sanitizing services of the elite like lawyers, accountants, doctors, engineers and IT experts and the list of professional experts is long and inexhaustible. Therefore the white-collar thief covers tracks. 

In Uganda where the IGG and the long arm of justice approaches a would be successful conviction we tend to see an uproar vvwith well orchestrated village and district  delegations of "have mercy on our son/daughter and protect him/her against the witch hunt". This is the MINDSET TRANSFORMATION and sensitization lacking and this battle MUST and ought to be won for posterity.

The writer is a Constitutional and Human rights Barrister-at-Law called to the Bar, by the Honourable Society of Lincolns Inn of Court London United kingdom.

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