Katuntu Stings Embattled COSASE Chairperson Ssenyonyi, Asks Him To Stop Populist Tendencies While Executing Committee Tasks.


Katuntu Stings Embattled COSASE Chairperson Ssenyonyi, Asks Him To Stop Populist Tendencies While Executing Committee Tasks.

Bugweri county MP Abdu Katuntu has piled more misery on embattled Nakawa MP Joel Ssenyonyi, saying the member needs to stop his populist antics when doing official work of parliament.

Katuntu who also chaired the same committee in the 10th parliament deputized by now speaker Anita Annet Among, also asked Ssenyonyi to make use of Cosase probe report into Bank of Uganda done in the last parliament.
During that term, Katuntu and Among as his deputy investigated the mess and the house chaired by speaker Rebecca Kadaga adopted the committee report and it’s recommendations.

“It would be advisable to read the Committee report” Katuntu advised Ssenyonyi.
It all started with Ssenyonyi who took to his Twitter account and made comments about the speaker after she trashed the Ssenyonyi Cosase probe report into Uganda Airlines on grounds of it having been leaked by the committee.

The speaker said parliament would not spend it’s precious time debating a report which was already leaked to the public but instead said the house will adopt the recommendations of the Auditor General. Anita Among also directed an audit into the conduct of Cosase and why it has failed to execute it’s tasks yet it’s heavily funded to do it’s work.

Her decision seemed to have angered Ssenyonyi who took to Twitter and claimed ‘unfairness’ on side of the speaker.
“Madam Speaker, when you led COSASE, for 5 months you handled one BoU report & Speaker Kadaga extended your term to finish it. Atleast for us we’ve done 5 entities in one year. I’m not sure what became of that BoU report!
Mpozi nekilala, why don’t you want us to table the Airlines report?” Ssenyonyi said on Twitter.

His message angered Katuntu since he was Cosase chairperson at the time deputised by Among. He asked Ssenyonyi to read the BoU committee report and also advised him to ask any current senior staff at BoU whether there have been reforms at the Bank arising from the resolutions of parliament when it adopted the committee recommendations.

He also asked him to have a conversation with senior bank managers about the reforms in BoU.
“Please also, have a conversation with any CEO of any commercial bank about the workings of BoU Bank Supervision Directorate and relate it to the (our) committee report. You may wish to know that arising from that process, I, as chair was appointed to chair the Presidential Tripartite committee involving the IGG and Ministry of Finance to advise him on necessary reforms at BOU. That report has informed many decisions taken” he said adding that the embattled MP needs to know populism can’t decide matters in the Central Bank.

“A central Bank is a delicate institution and cannot be run on a populist basis on social media.
I have taken the liberty to answer you because I was in charge of that process.
And I’m extremely proud of the work my colleagues and I did” he assured him.
Ssenyonyi is currently a troubled man after the speaker decided to even adopt all uninvestigated AG reports handed to Cosase citing incompetence and laziness yet the committee is heavily funded.
She has since instituted a probe against Cosase in it’s work..

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