LIST: Best and Worst performing Bugisu region new/old MPs in the 11th Parliament named.


Serving their first term in parliament, Industrial Division, Mbale City, Member of Parliament karim  Masaba  (IND) and Musila Jhon, MP Bubulo East hit the bull’s eye in the recently Research conducted regarding the performance of the new/first time Members of the eleventh Parliament in the plenary by Freeman News Agency.

Results were compiled from the Hansard reports of the House where activities of individual MPs are recorded as well as hitting the constituencies they represent.


The assessment was based on the period between May 24, 2021 when Parliament elected the Speaker and Dec 11, 2022. The assessment also covers the activities of Members of committees.

In the ranking, Karim Masaba topped the list with a whopping 13 presentations on the floor of Parliament out of the 201 seating  in the year 2022. This indicates that the Industrial Division legislated in all, but four sessions, an achievement quite incredible.


Karim was also elected as shadow minister for tourism and also seats on various parliament committees 

While on the committee of tourism, He seeked to know if Government has incorporated the wildlife compensation verification committee as highlighted in the UWA Act, 2019 into the new compensation regulations to avoid wrong people.

he is also on the Finance planning and economic development, rules privileges and Discipline.

karim is also performing well on ground in his constituency  where he often visits there on  weekends to take part in various activities ie : Fundraising, sponsoring local sports tournaments, inspecting markets, roads, schools, Hospitals and interacting with the community members.   

2. Musila John MP  Bubulo East.

 Musila is also serving his first term in the 11th parliament, he is well known for his vibrant and radicle statements on the floor of parliament, with the recent one Coffee bill, where he mobilized  Coffee Farmers from different cooperatives who called for the cancellation of the controversial coffee agreement between Government and Uganda Vinci Coffee Company Limited (UVCC).

While appearing before the Committee on Trade, Tourism and Industry on Tuesday, 24 April 2022, Musila said that the agreement is unfair, exploitative and discriminative in nature.

Musila is also the Vice chairperson of Bugisu Cooperative Union, Hon John Musila told the committee that the coffee agreement has a lot of anomalies which are likely to interfere with the smooth marketing of farmers’ coffee which are guided by forces of demand and supply.

Musila has spoken on the floor of parliament 8 times in the  201 seating in the year 2022.


NTV journalist turned politician, Agnes Nandutu, Woman member of parliament as well as state minister karamoja affairs has performed  to the expectation being her first time in the house.

Nandutu has spoken 2 times on the floor of parliament and has moved a number of activities on ground, most especially karamoja region where she kick started the activity of collecting illegal guns from karamojong warriors.

This helped Government restore thousands of guns from the karamojong warriors, who handed them to UPDF army.

She has also spear headed the campaign of save the karamajong from hunger when famine hit the region, Nandutu was always on the neck of the prime minister to secure food and permanent solutions for Karamoja.

Her performance on ground in her constituency in Bududa looks to be fine because she takes part in various constituency activities, with the recent one of supporting her clan football teams, both for girls and boys in the just concluded Bikuka tournament.

Nandutu sponsored them with balls, uniform and cash to facilitate the mututa clan in the local Bugisu football and Netball tournament, She also funds several Local women groups in Bududa District, She is also Good at advocating for Girl Child education and this has seen her sponsor a number of orphan girl child in schools, universities and institutions.


Mukhaye has not presented anything or taken part in speaking on the floor of parliament for her first term as woman member of parliament, though she has been performing on ground in her constituency.

She has held a number of fundraising programs most especially in health sector, she recently in November held a big successful  fundraising for Busiu health center, were she invited the prime minister of Uganda, Rt. Hon. Robina Nabbanja as the chief fundraiser.


Wanda is serving his first term in parliament after outing long time serving member of parliament, Hon. Welikhe Kafabusa who was in parliament since 1998.

Wanda has participated 3 times on the floor of parliament and also seats of committees, He is also the chairman Bugisu parliamentary caucus which has seen him write to the president asking for a bugisu owned University.

Though Wanda is not vibrant on ground in his constituency as expected.

5.WAKOOLI GODFREY -Member of parliament  Butiru County.

Wakoli has spoken two times in parliament in year 2021-2022 seatings. He is also serving his first term in parliament.

Wakoli also seats on Committee of defence and internal affairs where he has  made lot of contributions.

Wakooli also performs better on ground in his constituency, he has supported the youth by offering boda boda loans at a no interest rate. He has also funded several village SACCOs in most villages in Butiru. 

Promising New MP's ;-

These bellow have contributing nothing on the floor of parliament year 2021-2022 but performing  better on ground, though study indicate they are promising. 

JOHN FAITH MAGOLO- Member of parliament Bunhokho North County.

ROBERT WANDWASI-Member of parliament Bungokho South.

Best old Mps:- 

1.NANDALA MAFABI- Member of parliament Budadiri West.

Nandala is serving his 5th term in perliament and is ranked among the best performers booth on the floor of parliament and in his constituencies, he has spoken more than 40 times in the 201 seating of 2021-2022.

2.NAMBESHE JOHN-  Member of parliament Manjiya county Bududa District.

He is also in parliament for more than 2 terms and is vibrant, he has moved a number of motions and contributed much in parliament seatings  in the year 2021-2022. Nambeshe is also the opposition chief whip which has enabled him win a number of chances to speak in parliament.

Nambeshe is also preforming well on ground in his constituency. 


She is one of the oldest members of parliament but performs better in her constituency than on the floor of parliament, Namboozo has only spoken 2 times in parliament in 2021-2022.

The old Worst MPs :- 


She has of recent gone silent from the grounds in her constituency as well as floor of parliament, ever since she was elected in parliament for the 3rd term, Connie has not spoken any single word or even make any submission.

She also shocked her voters when she failed to show up when Mbale city flooded, leading to death of about 14 people.

Connie was a vibrant Woman member of parliament in the 9th and 10th  parliament most especially when she was still a strong NRM member.


She was re-elected to parliament in 2021 after being outed by her rival, Sarah Namboozo wekomba  in the 10th parliament.

Muloni has not contributed anything in parliament and neither is she performing well on ground as expected.

In the 9th parliament, Muloni was among the best perfumers in parliament as well as in the ministry when she was appointed minister of Energy.

Other poor performing old Mps include:

WAMAKUYU MUDIMI- Member of Parliament Elgon county.

DAVID WANENDEYA WAKIKONA- Member of parliament Bukigai County.

WAMBEDE SETH KIZANGI- Member of parliament Northern Division, Mbale City.

MARY  GORRETI KITUTU - WOMAN Member of parliament Manafwa District. 

MASIKA APOLLO - Memmber of Parliameent Namisindwa County 

SARAH KAYAGI NETALISIRE- Woman member of Parliament Namisindwa District.

BY: Musamali Arnold.

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