M7 under immense International pressure, Orders Son to to Delete tweets radical about Kenya

Our trusted source from  state house has informed us that Presiden Kaguta Museveni is under immense International pressure over his son's tweets threatening to capture & kill Kenyans. 

Our informers have also confirmed to us that President Museveni has ordered his son, Gen. Muhoozi kainerugaba to delete the radical  tweets on kenya.

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How it started.....

Few days ago, President Yoweri Museveni's son Muhoozi Kainerugaba kick started another diplomatic row with Kenya .

In one of his trademark Twitter outbursts , the young Museveni has stated that Nairobi is his for the taking and nobody would stand in his way.

Muhoozi stated that he doesn't care about the repercussion that follow his latest statements, adding that Museveni could as well sack him from the military again.

The four-star general added that Kenyans fear Ugandans because they understand the Uganda People's Defence Force (UPDF) is superior to the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF)

Muhoozi claimed the Kenyans owed him and his family an apology for alleged beatings he suffered.

He added that he got the beatings because he was Museveni's son as his father had taken up arms against the government.

"Kenyans need to apologise to me for all the beatings, as a young boy, that I got because I was Museveni's son in the early 1980s," he wrote.

Earlier, Uganda disassociated itself from remarks by Muhoozi that suggested the country’s army would only need two weeks to capture Nairobi.  

In a press statement on Tuesday, October 4, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the neighbouring country said they do not conduct their foreign policy through social media.

While acknowledging the heated debate caused by Muhoozi's controversial tweets, Uganda said they value the brotherly neighbourhood it enjoys with Kenya.

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