Multiplex Street Parking employees Petition the Lord Mayor .

Hundreds of Multiplex Ltd  Parking employees this afternoon presented a Petition to the City Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago seeking for his intervention in to their claim of unfair treatment and abuse of their rights.

The petition which was handed over to the Lord Mayor at City Hall raised complaints of non remittance of NSSF, Unfair deductions of wages, unpaid leaves including maternity and sick leaves.

The employees who Passionately appealed to the Lord Mayor to intervene in resolving their concerns and alleviate their plight also raised concerns of non payments of over time and unexplained deductions of wages purportedly for payment of PAYE and local government services tax yet they fall below the threshold.

Addressing the Street  parking  Employees the Lord Mayor said it is unacceptable for employees to be treated as alleged in total violation of the employment act,futher stating that he will summon  Multiplex Ltd Directors to come and explain being a street parking contractor with Kcca.

He adviced the employees to in future to unionize or form an Association to champion their interests using the powers in numbers to not only bargain for better terms of work but also protect themselves against such exploitative tendencies.

He urged them to remain steadfast in demanding for their rights despite challenges they may face in doing so, assuring them that he will follow these concerns to there logical conclusion.

By: Kennedy Okello

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