NRM in a dilemma again over Serere by-elections


The NRM director for moblisation Nansubuga Seninde hits a dead rocks after her invitation to the darling son of Serere on Monday evening for the meeting.

Seninde called for a meeting that purposed to seduce Omoding to step down in favour of the less popular candidate holding the NRM flag for Serere Parliamentary seat, Philip Oucor. 

The meeting that dragged for 3 hours without any consensus left the director in a big loss since she had called for a meeting with biased motives. 

Omoding and his team assured her that the challenge at hand is not about the flag or his personal selfish interest but it's about the people of Serere who wants Honorable Okabe's mega projects completed.

 Omoding technically told Seninde that he was going to consult the voters and do a prayer and fasting before he gives his position over the request by the NRM secretariat team. 

The NRM moblisers in Serere have asked Omoding to stand firm and never let them down. 

A section of people to that were also contacted confirmed that Omoding Emmanuel Okabe will take a lead with a very big margin and will get the percentage that even his late father never got in any election.

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