NUP's Masaba Ivan denied Microphone at the burial of late Galiwango as Area Mp Seth fails to turn Up.


Drama yesterday 17th Jan 2023, at the burial ceremony of Late Dr. Amb. Galiwango Hassan Wasawa, as MC block NUP Ivan Masaba to make his remarks about the late. 

Imran Muluga, Resident district Commissioner (RDC) Bukedea, who was the official Master of Ceremony (MC) denied to pass over the microphone to National Unity platform former Member  of parliament aspirant, Norther Division Mbale City, Ivan Masaba on grounds that the function has turned into a political ground.

MC. Mulongo who called upon all Bugisu Region member of parliament to make remarks about the late was shocked to see that the area Member of parliament, Hon. Seth Wambede kizanga was not present at the bural of ceremony of Late Galiwongo, instead his opponent Ivan Masaba of the national Unity platform. 

As Mourns  kept on cheering as Masaba was moving forward to make his remarks, MC quickly picked the microphone from the last speaker and close the speeches from politicians, claiming that the chief mouner, VIce president H.E Jesica Alupo was about to arrive. 

While speaking to media, Ivan refered this to childish politics. 

"I am here to Mourn my father, friend, family friend and my political mentor and not here for politics" - Masaba told the press.

Masaba further said that the late Galiwango supported him politically during the 2021 general elections, most especially at the tally center, where he was cheated the election.

"The late Galiwongo was fighting for me when the mafia attempted to alter results but as soon as he left the tally Center in the early mornings to go and take a rest, than the mafia announced a wrong Candidate, who was number four (4)"- Masaba.
Members of the NRM Secretariat Top Management led by the  Rt. Hon Richard Todwong are attending the final send off of Dr Hassan Galiwango at Nakaloke playground  in Mbale city. 

Ambassador Dr. Hassan Wasswa Galiwango died on the 16th of Jan 2023 from Nirobi Hospital. The late  served as the NRM Director of Finance and Administration for 11 years between 2009 and 2020. He was currently the Uganda's High Commissioner to Kenya and Seychelles.

He will was  laid to rest yesterday 17th Jan 2023, at his ancestral home in Jami in Budaka District.

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