Police fires teargas and live bullet in NUP supporter in Jinja, 7 hospitalized, other arrested in Jinja.


National Unity platform boss, Hon. Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu has accused uganda police for shooting live bullets and teargas in his supporters in jinja City. 

"I've just learnt of an attack by the partisan police, on our comrades who had gathered at YMCA Jinja for a meeting. These comrades had gathered peacefully, before the police attacked them and fired teargas and live bullets. Several of them are in hospital in a critical condition  while others were violently arrested. 

We must  and shall continue to resist the criminal regime, until we have a country owned truly by its citizens" - Bobi wine posts on his official social media accounts.

By the time of filing this story, police had not issues an official communication about the allegations. 

We are still following up on this developing atory 

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