Sports lovers unhappy on the Nakivubo stadium progress, job was to be ready by 2019.

Uganda’s real estate developer, Hamis Kiggundu aka Ham Kiggundu has several occasions thrown tantrums whenever the issue of the delay on his part to deliver the upgrade of the country’s oldest Nakivubo stadium, arises. 

He will always get up and fight or fight through proxies or compromising media to protect is image.

This has pushed our publication to hit the grounds and conduct interviews on various people.

several Ugandans, and mainly sports lovers have always asked themselves why the stadium has taken all tis long to get completed, yet the sopping malls around it is generating revenue for him.

"Kiggundu’s anger can be clearly understood for a man in his situation. He has taken long to deliver what he keeps touting is going to be a world class pitch"- Said one of the sports lovers.

According to information collected, Ham was supposed to complete the job by the year 2019.

This means he is now in default of the deadlines by three years, and still counting. 

Before Covid-19 paid a visit and turned into a perfect excuse for Ham to use to explain away the contractual breaches, he was blaming the delay on the magnitude of the job at hand and the need to do it perfectly as well his detractors.

Possibly looking to divert public attention away from the real issue which is the the delays in completion of the stadia, Ham would weigh in with the defense of patriotism.  being patriotic, Ham takes himself as a man who is workinghard to give the country a better stadium. And then, calls unpatriotic, those telling him to respect the requisite deadlines.

"Few months ago, Ham  said that  Covid 19 worsened the delays because Roko had laid off some of it’s workers. Yet, we all saw and witnessed Ham as he was building his shopping malls around the facility at break-neck speed, even as the Corona Virus was occasioning massive problems. Let’s agree for the sake of it that it’s actually Corona which caused the delays"- Sports Lover noted 

Sports lovers and concerned citizens say Ham says Ugandans should render him support because he is building stadia for them. Ugandans did that already by giving him public land in exchange for building the pitch which he hasn’t done within several deadlines.

Many Ugandans say Ham is benefitting from the massive shopping malls he has finished already and is scheduled to earn more from the others in exchange for the stadia which he hasn’t delivered.

A one Amosi katendende working from owino said told our reporter that  he respectfully thinks that reminding one to meet their contractual obligations isn’t the same as being unpatriotic. This is exactly what responsible citizens are supposed to do.

Wile conducting this interview from different Ugandans, many say all in all, Ham should be thankful for being reminded to deliver his bargain of the deal between him and Ugandans seeing that he himself is a lawyer and knows the implications of breach of contracts. 

"After all, no one has come up to take him to the courts over the breaches but those raising the concerns are doing so verbally and writing" - said a one senior politician in Kampala

Story by: Musamali Arnold.

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