Wagabyalire's Coronation is not cleared - Government


It seems like the war in INZU yamasaba is not about to end as Ministry of Gender distances itself from the ongoing preparation of the coronation of Mr Amram John Wagabyalire as the Umukuka of Ba masaba. 

The function of Mr wagabyalire had geared up the preparations to install him as the dully elected omukuka we Bamasaba on the 18th of Feb 2023 at Bumutoto cultural ground. 

As freeman News UG, we had a one on one exclusive interview with the officials from ministry of gender that confirmed to us that they are not aware of the ongoing activity.

"Am not aware. Just ask whoever purports to have authorisation of any kind from PS Gender to show you a copy. It's not PS who clears  coronation of Cultural Leaders!" - Aggrey David Kibenge.

Wedaira from the Modoma faction said they are going to report to police and other government agencies in a bid to invoke charges against Wagabyalire and “his so-called ministers” for defying government directive on matters relating to Masaba Cultural Institution.

How it started ..

Wagabyalire was declared the new Umukuka last year after he won the election with 35 votes out of the 38 votes cast defeating Gidaguyi Gregory who got 2 votes, Patrick Mazina Wamakuyu who scored 1 vote, while Jude Mike Mudoma and Stephen Kizubo didn’t get any vote.

In January, John Amram Wagabyalire was installed as the Umukuka III and head of the Inzu Ya Masaba Cultural Institution replacing Bob Saul Kipiro Mushikori, the Second Umukuka who passed on at the beggining of the year.

However, the election of the new leader came shortly after a parallel faction in the same institution reportedly elected Jude Mike Mudoma as the cultural leader. Mudoma was elected in October 2020 by a faction led by the embattled speaker of Inzu Ya Masaba, Nelson Wedaira.

Since then, the leadership of the institution has been contested as each group refused to recognize the other and each claiming legitimacy for leadership of the Bamasaba.

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