What is eating up Mayor Masaba.


Photo taken on 17th Jan 2023.

We were shocked when our Eagle Cameras landed on former Mbale District NRM Boss, Mr. Masaba Muhammed, currently Industrial City Division City Mayor.

Mayor Masaba looked unhappy and has totally lost weight in a very short period of time to an extent that clothes don't fit him.

Masaba who was attending the burial of late Dr. Waswa Hassan Galiwango on the 17th of Jan 2023, looked very miserable and troubled.

Photo take 2 years ago 

Before joining active politics, in the previous 2 years,  Masaba was a health jolly and energetic Man.

One could easily think Masaba has lost weight due to political stress, which is not the case because he is the current mayor of industrial Division, in Mbale City.

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