YOU’RE WORSE! Joel Ssenyonyi Fires Back at Speaker Among Over Cosase Investigation.


National Unity Platform (NUP) spokesperson and Nakawa West MP Joel Ssenyonyi has fired back at Speaker Anita Annet Among’s directive for an audit probe into the performance of the Committee of Statutory Authorities and State Enterprises (Cosase) which the youthful first-time law maker chairs.

In her communication, Speaker Among has expressed disappointment with Cosase, a public accounts committee, for its poor performance regarding the scrutinizing of the reports and audited accounts of public entities is concerned.

Speaker Among, who is also the Bukedea District Woman MP, noted that Article 163(5) of the Constitution gives Parliament six months after the submission of the Auditor General’s report to debate and consider the report and take appropriate action.

She further told members that Parliament has already gone past this timeline and Cosase has only handled reports for four entities out of the 107 it is required to scrutinize. The speakersubsequently ordered an audit on the performance of Ssenyonyi’s Cosase. “We have invested lots of money in the committee [to perform its duties], but there are no results,” she added.

In the House, Ssenyonyi seemed to take the rebuke in good faith. “I appreciate your guidance, as committees, we should be able to do a lot more than we are doing challenges notwithstanding,” he said.

But in media interviews and social media posts after the speaker’s directive, Ssenyonyi accused the head of the legislative arm of government and the country’s number three of witch-hunt.

He accused the speaker of blocking the tabling of the report into mismanagement at the Uganda Airlines. He also juxtaposed his one-year performance at Cosase with Among’s tenure in the same accountability committee.

“Madam Speaker, when you led Cosase, for five months you handled one BoU report and Speaker Kadaga extended your term to finish it, at least for us we’ve done five entities in one year. I’m not sure what became of that BoU report! Mpozi nekilala, why don’t you want us to table the Airlines report?” Ssenyonyi fired back.

It should be remembered that last year, Speaker Among warned Ssenyonyi against leaking Parliament’s secrets or risk being severely punished. (See Details).

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