Buganda Develops kasanje Gombolola land

While touring the county of Bugerere in 2014, the Kabaka of Buganda called for the development, re-development, and modernization of all Ssaza and Gombolola land. The said land had just been returned to Buganda Kingdom in 2013 after an agreement between Buganda and the central government. 

This land had been confiscated in 1966 by the Milton Obote government which subsequently abolished kingdoms a year later.

Therefore, the Kabaka argued that ‘Kingdom land cannot be left undeveloped’.

Through various kingdom entities such as Buganda Land Board and BICUL, the kingdom has since embarked on implementing Kabaka’s directive by coming up with various development projects for the kingdom.

According to Owek. Joseph Kawuki, Buganda’s state minister for local government, these projects are taken through rigorous bottom-up processes. Kabaka’s chiefs (Abaami ba Kabaka) are asked to come up with development proposals which are then taken through the Kingdom’s incubation center which panel beats them and forwards them to the concerned minister. The minister then takes the proposed projects to Buganda’s cabinet for approval. Approved projects are shared with Kabaka for final approval.

. Joseph Kawuki notes that it is against this background that several projects have sprung up across the kingdom. 

Some projects are aimed at the renovation of the Ssaza and Gombolola infrastructure. These include the renovation of Pookino’s house in Buddu, Lumaama’s house in Mawogola, Katambala’s house in Butambala, Lukiiko hall at Bukomero (Ssingo), Kiringa Ente (Mawokota), modern offices at Busujju Ssaza headquarters, and a new Lukiiko hall at Ssaabaddu-Kira.

In urban counties, several developments have been implemented for commercial purposes. These include Owembuya commercial building at Kasangati (Kyadondo Ssaza headquarters), Ndiwulira commercial building at Mituba III Makindye, and Mirembe Estate-Sentema, among others. Some projects are done in corroboration with development partners.

Buganda’s development agenda is also resulting in the building of various health centers on Kingdom land in different areas to help Kabaka’s people access quality, affordable healthcare. Hospitals are being built at Mumyuuka Busimbi-Ssingo, Mituba III Mukungwe-Buddu, Nyenga-Kyaggwe. Additionally, a modern market is also being built at Maddu-Gomba.

Kasanje gombolola land.

Most recently, Buganda Kingdom has undertaken a new development project at Kasanje Gombolola headquarters. The Kasanje project, which Kingdom officials say went through all the necessary approval processes, is going to be used as a model of development for pre-urban areas.

According to the development plan seen by this publication, land at Kasanje is going to be developed with a keen interest in environmental conservation. There is going to be a forest reserve with indigenous trees, a youth center, a Police station, a modern community abattoir, and a vocational skilling center, among others.

In addition to developing the Gombolola land, the Kingdom plans to pave roads in Kasanje to ensure that those who intend to settle in the area have access roads. The project will also improve the physical planning of the area to avoid the proliferation of slums. This will go a long way in exhibiting how Buganda entities can peacefully co-exist with central government organs while also conserving the environment.

The plan further shows that the community playground is going to be shifted from the small 0.8-acre piece of land onto a 2-acre piece of land to give the community a better playground at no cost and to enable the widening of the road along which it is now located.

This news has been well received by area residents. According to Mr. Gilbert Kasakya and Ms. Margret Nanyonga, such developments are welcome because they increase the value of the area.

“More investors will be attracted to this area, which will create more jobs for our young people,” said Nanyonga, further noting that this move will prevent land grabbers from grabbing Buganda’s land.

Ndiwulira building at Makindye

HCIV at Nsangi was built by Buganda.

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