KCCA ED Kisaka's surprise Visit to Kitebi Health Center III


The kampala city council authority Executive Director, Dorothy kisaka surprisingly paid visit to Kitebi Health Center III in Lubaga Division, at exactly 8am to access the conduct of work at the facility.

Kisaka was welcomed by Iren Nakanyike kawooya, the hospital in-charge Kitebi health center III, who led her in inspection of the facility.

ED kisaka interacts with midwife

ED kisaka inspected the labour, maternity, and general ward to ascertain the status of workers and patients. 

ED speaks to pregnant mothers 

While in a labour ward, the hospital in-charge disclosed to Ed that over 2,000 expectant mothers have  benefited services ever since  they constructed the new  maternity ward in 2018. 

The in-charge further revealed that the facility serves at least six hundred patients in a day and they are doing a good job to deliver maternal health related services to the extent that in January, they were able to safely deliver 404 babies. 

After inspection the Ed held a brief meeting with the facility medical staff, who revealed to her that they've not been paid CCOVID- 19 allowance up-to-date.

Other medics complained of little facilitation demanding for increments.

They were responded to by Dr Daniel  Okello, the KCCA Director public health, who assured them that this will be handled.

"I was not aware that you've been demanding the covid-19 allowance but probably it is the old management that never made a follow-up. I am going to get in connection with the concerned bodies to see that you all get paid"- said Okello.

While speaking to media, kCCA Executive Director appreciated the work of the staff at Kitebi health center III for great work done.

"Our kitebi facility is serving a large number of people, it has an HIV center, dental unit and other general services that support our people in Kampala especially in the Lubaga Division even as far wakiso & the surroundings"- ED Kisaka.

ED noted that the team from KCCA are inspecting all facilities in the city  to interact with the warkers and see how work is done."ever since we got out of covid - 19, today is our first time visiting this facility"- ED Kisaka.

KCCA are championing three things, which will improve the way of services and this is by using technology in all KCC service areas.

She further said that they are also moving to improve on infrastructure, ie medical equipments, buildings walk ways and also people's well-being. "We also embarked on  inspecting if facilities have medicine in stock " - said ED.

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