Wameli's Body stuck in the US as NUP Fails to raise 200m - Family members request public to Fundraise.


NUP makes plans to   repatriate Anthony Wameli's body.

The National Unity Platform (NUP) leadership is in talks with the American embassy to have the body of the party's legal head Anthony Wameli repatriated home following his death on the 8th of Feb 2023, from USA. 

According to National Unity Platform (NUP), Wameli was undergoing treatment for abdominal cancer.

Though NUP leadership through its party president, Hon. Robert kyagulanyi Ssentamu revealed that they are in need of funds for the return of his body from the united state of America to Uganda. 

While speaking to a journalist of a local Television in Uganda, Hon. Kyagulanyi called upon well wishers and party supporters, most especially those in the diaspora to help contribute money  towards the move of returning late Wameli's body in Uganda.

According to the billings, National UNity Platform is looking for 200 million Uganda shillings in order to facilitate the body movement and also clear medical bills.  

This has prompted the family of the late to call up on the public to fundraise money in order to bring back late Wameli's body.

This is the third week ever since Wameli passed away. 

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