Lyomoki accused of Stealing 100 million From COFTU Account, Enjoys it with Girlfriend & other board member on a rotten boat.

The former Worker’s MP Dr. Sam Lyomoki has been accused  for illegally appointing himself and girlfriend on the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) board to represent workers under Central Organization of Free Trade Union (COFTU).

Lyomoki is also on the spot for  withdrawing one hundred millions (100)  from COFTU account without notifying finance department.

This was revealed CAFTU  

treasurer, Mr Joseph Mbabazi while appeaeing before the special parliamentary committee investigating on NSSF saga.

It is alleged that  COFTU Secretary General and NSSF board member Dr Sam Lyomoki got UGX 100 million from the fund for the trade union and later withdrew it from COFTU's account for unclear reasons.

treasurer Joseph Mbabazi shocked  the committee when he said  that lyomoki instructed him to sign a blank cheque.

"My boss mr lyomoki called me in his office last year and requested me to sign for him a blank cheque which i did, i did not think of him withdrawing 100m but surprisingly, as i returned from the village, i went to the bank to ask for a bank statement and i noticed that 100m was missing"- treasurer Joseph Mbabazi.

As a treasurer, he said that he was so concerned and asked the manager of the bank on who exactly had withdrawn such a big amount of money from an organisation Account. 

The manager told him it was mr Lyomoki responsible for the transaction. "I quickly rang him and asked him about the missing money, Mr Lyomoki told me he had withdrawn only 50m"-joseph. 

"After few days, mr Lyomoki accepted that it was him who had withdrawn the 100m and he told me that it was for official use" said Joseph.

It is said that after withdrawing the 100m Dr. Lyomoki together with his  girlfriend, who also seats on the board and a few members from COFTU hired a rotten boat in Entebbe to host a board meeting and end of year party.

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