Minister Katumba wamala opens up on the photos &Video restrictions at Entebbe Airport.

The Minister of Works and Transport, Gen. Katumba Wamala has clarified on the signage restricting Entebbe Airport users from taking photos and video from its premises.

This comes just days after the airport was embroiled in a corruption scandal following various travelers leaking videos and photos of airport staff allegedly asking them for bribes.

This even probed parliament to investigate on the Airport, where  many employees lost jobs and others jailed.

Gen. katumba has clarified  that the reminder message restricting photography and filming relates ONLY to operational restricted /sensitive areas within the terminal building (such as security screening areas and equipment, among other sensitive areas). 

According to Gen. Katumba this is not a new measure, he says  It has always been restricted, and filming only takes place with prior permission.

"Even journalists who access the terminal building for official coverage of activities first go through a formal clearance process before they can be allowed to take photos and videos of specific areas/activities"- Gen. Katumba .


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