10 youths from Karenga on the run. - Minister of Ethics wants them arrested for demanding for accountability on Karamoja iron sheets she received from OPM.

More than ten (10) Youths in Karenga district are on the run after  police issued an arrest warranty. 

The 10 youths are accused of blackmail and mobilizing others to hold a demonstration demanding accountability in the Karamoja iron sheets which was  collected by the minister of ethics, who also doubles as an area woman member of the participant, Hon minister Rose Lilly Akello.

It is alleged that the minister of Ethics, Hon Lilly filed a case of deformation on these youths few days ago. 

How it started.

Loupa pius one of the accused narrates to us after being released from police on a police bond:-

"We received information that we were wanted by the police, First of all, I am not a criminal so I took myself to the police to file a statement. Upon arrival at the police station, I was told we have a case to answer concerning deformation and mobilizing a demonstration" - Pius.

Pius says that the OC CID informed him that the complainant was the minister of ethics. 

"As an educated man, I called my brother who quickly joined me as I filed my statement. Since I had no big offense, I was availed police bond"- Pius.

How did the minister know of the Demonstration?

It is alleged that these youths demanded accountability for the iron sheets while in a youth WhatsApp group, where the minister is also a member.  

One Omoding Gilbert, a member of that platform threatened to mobilize youths to storm the streets to demonstrate, demanding accountability for the collected iron sheets.

Who is Rose Lilly Akello:-

Rose Lilly Akello is a Ugandan politician and social worker representing Karenga District as the district woman member of parliament in the eleventh parliament of Uganda. In the ninth and tenth parliament, she served as the district woman member of parliament representing Kaabong District. 

She is the current minister of Ethics. 

Document showing minister got Iron sheets from OPM

Minister Akello is named among the minister who is alleged to have Shared the Karamoja relief items, mainly Iron sheets.

She took 800 pieces of Iron Sheets. On 15th June 2022, she first picked 500 pieces using car registration number UBE 963S and signed them for by her secretary Jane Namaganda. On 17 June 2022 car registration number UBH 347L picked up more than 300 pieces which were still signed for by her secretary Namaganda.

 Call between us and minister 

We tried contacting the minister about the allegation but unfortunately she couldn't pick up our calls and neither did she respond to us via WhatsApp .

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