"Let's believes unity and teamwork are more important for US the Eala members and the East Africans in general now that the elections are over"

This was spoken by Hon. Babirye Veronica Kadogo,  Former woman Mp Buyende District, currently serving as EALA MP during a meeting which is being held at  speaker Among's residence.


“I salute my worthy competitors in the race and ask that we work together for the benefit of EALA and the region. I extend my arm of collaboration and cooperation,” - Kadogo said.

Turning to her fellow other EALA MPs, the soft-spoken but affirmative Busoga lady  politician pledged to work tirelessly to ensure the Assembly realises its mandate.

“I would wish to see all of us work like a chain in this leadership, we need to maintain high moral standing for us to confidently exercise oversight to other institutions of the Community,” - Kadogo 

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Speaker of Uganda, Rt.  is hosting  EALA members of Parliament from the  Five  EALA  Partner States to a dinner at her residence in Nakasero in Kampala. 

The EALA Members are expected to be in Kampala for three days induction  ceremony.

In attendance as well is the Speaker of EALA Rt. Hon Joseph Ntakirutimana , Rt. Hon. Thomas Tayebwa and other EALA members of Parliament.

While giving her opening remarks, Rt. Hon. Anita Among called upon EALA to promote regional peace as a key driver of EAC regional integration.

She made the call while addressing EALA members at a dinner she hosted in their honor. The Speaker expressed concern about the absence of DRC members of EALA at the induction in Kampala.

She also asked EALA Members to facilitate the deepening, widening and tightening of integration by passing regional laws that are responsive to the needs of East Africans. She assured EALA of the support from the East African Speakers Bureau.

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