Mp Ssewanya & Ssegirinya Not Here - Kigo prison authority tells NUP.

Following the court order to bail out Hon Allan Ssewanyana & Ssegirinya Muhammad by Masaka high court yesterday 13th Fes 2023, Several NUP supporters, leaders and lawyer pitch camped at Kigo prison as early as 3pm, awaiting for the release of the two legislators.

A team of NUP lawyers arrived at Kigo prison with the court release order of the bailed legislators at around 6pm, unfortunately according to layer Lukwago, the paper work had few mistakes which needed to be rectified.

"We had to resend the bail forms back to Masaka high court to be rectified but as I speak the team is on its way back to Kampala, we expect them here by 9pm"- said Lukwago.

The team from Masaka arrived at Kigo prison with clear paperwork but they were shocked when the prison authority told them that Hon. Allan Ssewanyana and Muhammad Ssegirinya were set free and had been taken to there respective homes. 

This was also confirmed by  Uganda Prisons spokesperson, Mr. Baine.

"Hon. Allan  Ssewayana and Ssegirinya Muhammad were released and taken to there respective homes even before the arrival of there layers at Kigo prison"- said Baine. 

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Mr Ssewanyana and Ssegirinya were both arrested on September 7, 2021 alongside seven others and charged with several counts in killings in greater Masaka region where machete weilding gangs caused the death of more than 27 people. 

On 21st September, 2021 the judges while appearing video, they were both granted bail, but  were re-arrested after stepping out of Kigo Prisons where they had been incarcerated for weeks.

Government State Attorney later announced that fresh murder charges had been slapped on the legislators who at the time had been reported to be ailing with different conditions.

Through their lawyers, the MPs filed to the International Crimes Division of the High Court demanding compensation of Shs300m and a declaration that their re-arrest shortly after being granted bail was a violation of their human rights.

However this application was quashed by the same court upon final hearing.

Earlier today, the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) withdrew three affidavits objecting the MPs’ bail application. The announcement was made by Senior State Attorney Richard Birivumbuka.

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