Muslims across Uganda to protest against homosexuality

Sheikh Ssali also asked the khadhis to organize a peaceful walk through the towns with placards and issue press statements denouncing homosexuality.

A large section of Ugandans continue to fight the spread of homosexuality in communities like schools.

The leadership of Uganda Muslim Supreme Council (UMSC) at Old Kampala has written a letter to all district Kadhis informing them that they have gazetted 24th February 2023 as the day to conduct a peaceful protest against homosexuality practice in Uganda.

In the letter dated 21st February 2023, Sheikh Imran Abdynoor Ssali, the Secretary for Religious Affairs at UMSC has requested all khutubas to address the issue of homosexuality. He also asked the radio and television teachings to address the same.

Sheikh Ssali also asked the khadhis to organize a peaceful walk through the towns with placards and issue press statements denouncing homosexuality. He said the walks should be organized between 10:00 am to 12:00 pm in partnership with the police.

The issue of homosexuality or same-sex sexual relationship in the country recently came to prominence when a parent publically complained that a teacher at Kings College Budo has been sodomizing his son with the help of other students.

Also, a video of Kampala-based school female students confessing to being a couple surfaced on social media.

These two incidents and earlier unverified homosexuality claims in Ugandans got the Members of Parliament talking tough and seeking for solutions to curb the vice.

The matter has since been taken up by religious establishments, cultural leaders and community leaders. Homosexuality remains illegal in Uganda and an abomination in almost all social circles.

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