NBS's Ibanda Mugabi scoops a masters degree from Makerere University..

Next media journalist and President UPPA, Samuel Ibanda Mugabi have been awarded a Masters degree in Peace and Conflict Studies from Makerere University today as the one-week graduation program closes. 

Ibanda is a popular journalist working with NBS TV and reports from the Parliament of Uganda as well.  He is also the the president of Uganda parliamentary press Association (UPPA).

Ibanda also produces  two political shows, barometer & Eagle on NBSTv.

Ibanda also holds a degree in Journalism

Makerere University kicked off the 73rd graduation ceremony at Freedom Square with on Monday 1th Feb 2023. 

Over 13,000 students successfully graduated.

The Minister of Education Janet Museveni graced  the ceremony alongside the Vice Chancellor of the University of London, Prof Wendy Thomson as the process kicked off.  

13,221 graduands, of whom 6,809 (52 per cent) are female and 6,412 (48 per cent) are male, are expected to graduate during this week’s graduation ceremony.

A total of 102 of these are PhD students, 1,378 are master’s students, 108 are postgraduate diploma and 35 are undergraduate diploma.

The Chancellor, Prof Ezra Suruma, will preside over the ceremony and each day of the graduation which ends on Friday.

73rd Makerere University Graduation Ceremony (February 13 -17, 2023)

Monday, 13th February, 2023

College of Health Sciences (CHS)

College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS)

School of Law (SoL)

Tuesday, 14th February, 2023

College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES)

College of Education and External Studies (CEES)

Wednesday, 15th February, 2023

College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS)

College of Computing and Information Sciences (CoCIS)

College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Bio-security (CoVAB)

Thursday, 16th February, 2023

Makerere University Business School (MUBS)

Friday, 17th February, 2023

College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT)

College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS)

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