PM Nabbanja sacrifices Minister kitutu in Karamoja iron Sheet Bonanza

The prime minister of Uganda and member of parliament kakumiro, Rt. Hon. Robina Nambbanja has assured the general public that investigation on the diversion of karamoja iron sheets is on going. 

While appearing on a political show on NBS TV, the prime minister condemned the acts of selling Government items. 

In her statement she was referring to reports that indicated that the family of minister kitutu was caught red-handed selling off the Karamoja Iron sheets.

"I am ready and have given necessary help to investigators to conduct investigations into this issue and bring to books whoever will be found guilty" - Nabbanja.

The prime minister further clarified other minister and members of parliament who was on the list of beneficiaries. According to the prime minister, the OPM has been issuing iron sheets to whoever writes to her. 

The minister for Karamoja affairs, Mary Goretti Kitutu is accused of mismanaging relief items allocated to her through the office of the prime minister.

This was after Iron Sheets marked for the Office of the Prime Minister were reportedly found at her relatives’ homes in Manafwa where she is the district Woman MP.

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