President Museveni arrives in Gulu for a two day Presidential tour of Acholi Subregion.

On arrival the President was  received at Bar dege UPDF playground by the NRM Secretary General Rt Hon Richard Todwong, Prime Minister Rt Hon Nabbanja Robinah and the Government chief whip Hon Hamson Obua.

The Presidential tour is running under the theme "Securing your future through wealth creation and shared prosperity"

A cross section of Ministers, State Ministers, officials from government agencies, MPs, RDCs, selected local leaders from all districts of Acholi Subregion attended the meeting.

Respective Ministers and technical officials  briefed the President and participants on the Progress of PDM, the economy,status of roads,Emyooga, Electricity, Status of Compensation of Acholi war debt claimants and the general performance of NRM and plans for the future in Acholi Subregion among others. 

According to the organizers this is a deliberate platform of addressing the various challenges affecting Acholi Subregion.

According to President Museveni, this is the beginning of his national wide tour aimed at following up on wealth creation programs. 

He advised farmers to use the PDM money to realize the seven model acre approach in wealth creation. 


The President earlier in the day commissioned an industrial hub and visited a number of successful farmers in Omoro.

The President is expected to address a mega public rally at Gulu Kaunda grounds  tomorrow Friday 24th.

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