Residents irked by poor roads in Bushigai County - Namukowa Phillip puts blame area Mp.

Bududa: The poor state of community roads in Bududa, Bushigai in particular is partly to blame for the poverty that residents face, as farmers find it difficult to deliver their agricultural produce to markets, or visit social facilities like health centres.

Worse still, the poor state of community roads in the region is one of the reasons for the hike in transport fares, especially the current rains that have rendered several roads in the area impassable.

This has forced the former Bushigai constituency make an alarm and of the accused current area member of parliament, Hon. Wakikona David on poor performance and monitoring.

"Like the case with most areas in Uganda, agriculture is the main economic activity in Bududa / Bushigai. Farmers engage mostly in subsistence farming to feed their families. The surplus is sold to raise money for other family needs such as education, health, and opening small businesses"- Namukowa.

Most residents in Bushigai grow Irish potatoes, tomatoes, onions, maize, cabbages, and carrots,  among others demanded in areas like Mbale, Kampala, Jinja, Moroto and other districts.

Residents there also say the bad roads hinder them from marketing their agricultural produce and accessing health facilities and education.

Stella Nabushau, a teacher says: “The number of broken bridges is increasing and the local leadership has not been able to offer support.”

She adds that the bad state of roads has hindered social and economic activities. “For instance, children reach school when they are soaked and wet, patients are dying before reaching health facilities, fresh foodstuffs like Irish potatoes and tomatoes rot on the way because farmers cannot access markets due to impassable roads,” Nabushau says.

Some of the horrible roads include the circular road - Manafwa-Bududa, Bufula-Bumatanda, Bulobi - Bushiribo and Bunakyoyoti - Bumatanda.

Namukowa says that there is political negligence in the area. There is no proper follow-up on government projects such as roads, health, and education among others. The money that comes from the centre to maintain roads is mostly misappropriated by some leaders.

“There is a gap between MPs and District councils and there is no Monitoring of government projects. Let MPs come on ground and assess the damages to the roads and other projects,” he said.

According to him, the roads have been in poor condition for a long time: “The rain has worsened it and it has affected transport in several areas, “he says.

The region is experiencing heavy rains. During this season, many roads become impassable.

Namukowa Phillip the former 2021 mp contestant said the quality of roads is deteriorating because the funds are inadequate.

“To make the matter worse, the money does not come in time. we have a larger road network,but the money given to the district  is little. Our roads are now impassable due to the rains,” he said .

I would wish to  task the government to increase the fundings in the road sector.

He observed that the current allocation for road maintenance is very low with some districts receiving as little as Shs 25 million a quarter from Uganda Road Fund [URF], which is inadequate for maintenance of roads that are cut off by the heavy rains.

The Bubulo East MP, John Musila, said the districts, sub-counties, and town councils are grappling with collapsed road infrastructure. “I wish the Finance Minister constituted a committee to visit the rural areas,” Musila says.


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