St. Andrew's COU Choir members in Mbale splits over Homosexuality - more than 10 members accused of Gay acts.


The top leadership for St. Andrew's Cathedral Church Mbale, are investigating  allegations of some members in the choir for involving in homesexuality acts.

We have been informed by our inside sources in the church that some members are being accused of involving themselves in these practices and are influencing others.

" There are complaints that have been raised that about five members in the choir are affiliated to this behaviour and this information has already reached the clergy's desk,"  disclosed one of the leaders in the church"-name withheld.

"We would wish to identify these members by name. But the clergy has no clue on how to go about this as there seems no evidence to pin them down," our source added.

Though our further investigations landed us on one of the church choir member who confirmed to us that he knows  of a member who is gay but failed to disclose necessary information about him. 

Our investigations are still on and we shall publish part two of this story in the next 3 days from now.

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