Uganda Government kicks UN Human Rights Out of Uganda - Bobi win spits venom.

The Government has terminated the operations of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Uganda.

This has promoted the National Unity Platform boss, Hon. Robert Kyagulanyi Sentamu aka Bobi Wine to respond radically. 

"In the face of growing international condemnation and isolation, tyrant Museveni has responded by shutting down NGOs, Facebook, DGF (Biggest donor-funded democracy program) & declaring several internationals Persona Non-Grata or deporting them! Now he shuts down @UNHumanRightsUG!"- Bobi wine.

What you need to know:

The office was in the spotlight in the aftermath of the 2021 general election when military and police personnel clashed with a team of supporters of the National Unity Platform (NUP) who were presenting a petition to the office over human rights violations in the country. Several journalists were beaten and injured during the scuffle that ensued. 

The Government has terminated the operations of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Uganda.

OHCHR, a department of the United Nations Secretariat, is mandated to promote and protect the enjoyment and full realization, by all people, of all rights established in the Charter of the United Nations and in international human rights laws and treaties.

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